Representing workers in wage and hour litigation is one of the hallmarks of our New York employment law practice. We have represented New York employees in collective and class actions, raising claims for unpaid overtime and minimum wages, untimely pay, unlawful deductions from wages, and virtually every conceivable type of federal and New York state law wage, hour, and pay claim. Many of our clients are workers in New York City who were deprived of tens of thousands of dollars of overtime pay because their employers misclassified them as “exempt.” Similarly, we have represented clients who were improperly led to believe that they were not entitled to overtime pay because they were paid flat weekly salaries. We have wide ranging experience representing New York City superintendents and porters, retail employees, restaurant workers, construction workers, and office workers. The vast majority of Rapaport Law Firm’s wage and hour cases are filed in federal courts in New York City. New York Employment Lawyers Marc Rapaport and Meredith Miller have a nuanced understanding of federal and New York state wage and hour laws stemming from their decades of experience. As a boutique New York employment law firm for employees, we provide each of our wage and hour clients with personal attention.
On July 10, 2023, Rapaport Law Firm, together with Miller Law, PLLC, filed a wage and hour class and collective action complaint in the Federal Court in Manhattan against Finger Management Corp., a New York property management firm that manages approximately 120 residential buildings in New York City. The lawsuit alleges that Finger Management violated the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and New York state wage laws by failing to pay overtime compensation to superintendents for hours they worked over 40. The case is active. New York employment lawyers Marc Rapaport and Meredith Miller are the lead attorneys for the plaintiffs.
On December 29, 2023, Rapaport Law Firm together with Miller Law, PLLC, filed a wage and hour class and collective action complaint in the Federal Court in Manhattan on behalf of maintenance workers employed at New York City apartment buildings owned or managed by a vast real estate enterprise that operates under different names, including General Holding LLC, Yasgur Realty, Universal Management, and Ann-Gur Realty Corporation. The lawsuit alleges that building workers at apartment buildings located throughout New York City were unlawfully deprived of overtime pay for hours they worked above 40. The case is active. New York employment lawyers Marc Rapaport and Meredith Miller are the lead attorneys for the plaintiffs.
On October 5, 2023, Rapaport Law Firm filed a wage and hour class and collective action complaint in the Federal Court in Manhattan on behalf of superintendents working at rental apartment buildings owned and managed by SKYC Management. The lawsuit alleges that building workers at apartment buildings located in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx were unlawfully deprived of overtime pay for hours they worked above 40. The case is active. New York employment lawyer Marc Rapaport is the lead attorneys for the plaintiffs.
On August 11, 2023, Rapaport Law Firm filed a wage and hour complaint in the Federal Court in Manhattan on behalf of two maintenance workers employed by Yaaron LLC . The lawsuit asserts claims for unpaid overtime, minimum wages, and violations of New York’s weekly pay law for manual laborers. The case is active. Attorney Marc Rapaport represents the plaintiffs.
Please call the New York overtime lawyers at Rapaport Law Firm if you have questions about any of our pending wage and hour lawsuits, or if you believe that your employer violated federal or state wage laws. Tel.: (212) 382-1600. Rapaport Law Firm is conveniently located at 80 Eighth Avenue in Manhattan.

Marc Rapaport, Ana Alcantara, and Plaintiffs Celebrate Victorious Conclusion of Federal Court Overtime Lawsuit on Behalf of Building Superintendents Against New York City Landlord